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  • pregnancy calendar " week 11

    11 weeks pregnant

    The first 11 weeks are over and your little one is now affectionately called a fetus. Did you know that your your baby are already formed by now? During the fetal phase, the different organs and body parts continue to develop.

    week 10 💕 week 12

    your baby,
    a sprout in growth

    11 weeks pregnant

    Your little one's muscles, organs and nerves are beginning to developing further. Your baby's gender is already visible on the outside outside, although it can still be difficult to see on an ultrasound. According to the nub theory, you can make a guess as early as week 12. In early pregnancy the genitals in boys and girls develop in the same way. A lump forms on the outside. Depending on the angle of the nub, you can predict whether you are expecting a boy or a girl. If the bump at an angle of 30° or greater in relation to the spine? Then there is a good chance of a boy. Is it not? Then it will most likely going to be a girl!

    For proper application of the nub theory, your little one is best flat on its back with its legs raised. In addition he lie with his right side facing the ultrasound. Only then can you study the bump in relation to the spine. If the midwife not able to make a good ultrasound? Just be patient, in week 20 the midwife can determine the gender of your baby by means of an ultrasound.



    11 weeks pregnant

    11 weeks pregnant

    This is the time when those pesky pregnancy ailments are often at their peak. If you were suffering from morning sickness and decreased appetite, there is good news: chances are these symptoms will subside after this week.

    Your hormones are playing a leading role now and may cause you to be a bit more emotional than normal. Mood swings, tears and the occasional burst of anger are quite normal. Don't worry if you notice that your sex life is on the wane; many women actually experience an upswing in their fourth month of pregnancy. Read more about sex during pregnancy in this blog.

    Are you considering the NIP-test? Among other things, this test can determine if there is an increased risk of Down syndrome in your baby. It includes a blood test between weeks 12 and 14, and a neck fold measurement via ultrasound between weeks 11 and 14. You are also offered a term ultrasound to know exactly how far along your pregnancy is. Ideally, you should have this done between weeks 12 and 14, as fetuses grow roughly evenly during that time. Enjoy this special time!

    Online pregnancy course

       Dive into the magical journey of your pregnancy with the reassuring guidance of host Sonia Pypaert and midwife Jana's online pregnancy course. In 7 comprehensive online modules you will be taken on this special journey to parenthood. No stressful consultations or off-site appointments, just a convenient online course you can take at your own pace.

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