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  • pregnancy calendar " week 12

    12 weeks pregnant

    It's finally here: the first milestone that marks the second trimester of your pregnancy. Everything is quietly coming into place in your belly and your baby's foundation has been formed. The most important organs, bones and muscles will grow week by week from now on. Meanwhile you too can be more at ease, as the chance of miscarriage from this moment is significantly reduced.

    week 11 💕 week 13

    your baby,
    from lime to mini human

    12 weeks

    By the end of this week, the arduous task of forming new body structures is complete! Your baby now looks like a mini human being with quite a few human features already. From the fingers to the toes, on which even tiny nails are starting to grow. You may notice on the ultrasound that he's already putting his thumb in his mouth or stretching.

    The amount of amniotic fluid keeps increasing. This amniotic fluid is vitally important for a fetus: it ensures that your baby carefree movement, ensures a constant temperature and also acts as a cushion. as a cushion. If you fall or accidentally bump your belly, your baby will not your baby won't even notice.



    12 weeks pregnant

    12 weeks

    Your belly is growing at a rapid pace and will now begin to show from the outside. Time to look out for a maternity pants, so that your belly can grow freely, without a pinching jeans around it.

    Your body produces almost half as much blood than normal. Some of it carries nutrients to the placenta, and another part is used to drain the baby's waste products. The chance of feeling a little dizzy now and then is greater because more blood is flowing to your baby. This combined with slightly lower blood sugar levels can cause you to feel a little shaky at times. Little tip: eat enough (healthy) and don't get up too fast.

    onder mama's reading tip

    5 tips for a healthy lifestyle during your pregnancy

      Discover practical advice on exercise, smart eating, hydration, stress reduction and essential vitamins. Learn how to promote the well-being of you and your baby with small adjustments.

    Read more 

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