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  • pregnancy calendar " week 14

    14 weeks pregnant

    Here she comes, the most enjoyable period of your pregnancy. Fewer ailments, more enjoyment! Your belly is growing at a rapid pace now, just like your little one's hair by the way.

    week 13 💕 week 15

    your baby,
    as big as a lemon 🍋

    14 weeks

    Until week 14 all babies grow at the same rate, from now on each baby progresses at its own pace. Your baby is active all day long: it swims, stomping and waving around. All these movements serve to develop its muscles. In addition, your baby also develops downy hairs all over his body to keep skin lubrication in place. This grease protects the against soaking amniotic fluid and infections. The downy hairs remain present until your baby is 37 weeks old, after which time they out.

    Your baby's vocal cords are fully developed. he cannot make sound yet, however, because air is needed for that. Although hearing develops late, the outer ear is already taking shape. Your child gets more and more of a real baby face and the nervous system also is also developing more and more.



    14 weeks pregnant

    14 weeks

    For many women, the second trimester is the most enjoyable period of their pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage is now much lower and you yourself are already fully accustomed to the idea of being pregnant. From now on, your entire body will change. Not only will your belly and breasts become rounder, but your hips may become wider.

    Your baby's heart keeps developing, pumping more blood through your body and making your own heart beat 15 to 20 times a minute, beating faster and more vigorously. Your uterus is still growing still further and is systematically pushing your intestines upward.

    onder mama's reading tip

    the pregnancy guide

     Dive into the adventure of motherhood with the third edition of "Onder mama's, Pregnancy Guide" by Sonia Pypaert, where honest answers, fun tips and practical checklists guide you through the journey of pregnancy, childbirth and the first weeks after birth.

    Read more 

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