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  • pregnancy calendar " week 3

    3 weeks pregnant

    In the third week of your pregnancy, something extraordinary in your body. The fertilized egg is getting ready to settle firmly into your uterine wall. If this implantation is successful proceeds, you can officially say you are pregnant. This is a moment of joy and wonder that you get to celebrate!🤩

    week 2 💕 week 4

    your baby,
    time to nest

    3 weeks pregnant

    Let's look at your baby's development. The fertilized egg, which has now grown into a cluster of cells called the blastocyst, begins its search for a cozy spot in your uterus. Sometimes this journey from the fallopian tube to the uterus may not completely flawless and the fertilized egg settles elsewhere, which can lead to an ectopic pregnancy. After implantation, the the blastocyst splits into two parts. The first part becomes the embryo, while the second part will form the placenta 💖


    3 weeks pregnant

    During the third week of your pregnancy, you may realize for the first time that you have begun a wondrous journey. The implantation of the foetus can sometimes lead to a slight implantation bleeding, caused by small blood vessels. In addition, the first pregnancy hormones and symptoms manifest, which can result in mild cramps, bloating and even mood swings.

    onder mama's reading tip

    what food is best for your unborn baby's development?

     During pregnancy, healthy eating is crucial, not only for yourself but also for the baby who is in great need of specific nutrients. Learn about important nutrients such as folic acid, choline, omega 3, iodine, calcium and iron, all of which play a role in the healthy development of your baby. 

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