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  • pregnancy calendar " week 9

    9 weeks pregnant

    Welcome to week 9 of your pregnancy! Discover the magical world in which your baby is developing into a beautiful creature with arms, legs, fingers and toes.

    week 8 💕 week 10

    your baby,
    the face is taking shape 👶

    9 weeks pregnant

    In week 9 of your pregnancy, the embryo acquires tiny limbs: little fingers and toes appear on its little hands and feet. Between the toes, the fingers and toes are still connected in this way. are still connected in this way. You can also see where the knees and elbows will be. You have even reached a milestone: the embryo is complete, everything that should be there is now there.

    The embryo's face also continues to develop: it already has eyelids but cannot yet close them, it already has a lower and upper jaw and even 20 little bumps have already formed that will later become the baby teeth will later become the baby teeth. Are you already dreaming about what your little ukje will look like? 👀



    9 weeks pregnant

    9 weeks pregnant

    Are you already suffering from extreme fatigue? That is not not so strange, your baby is not only busy growing a baby, it is also producing a placenta and causing your metabolism to speed up and your hormone levels rise. So take extra good care of your body and sleep a few more hours than usual. Still, you can also do just a little more exercise to combat fatigue. How about a bike ride with your partner?

    You're probably overwhelmed with a lot of information right now but not to worry: you still have many weeks to figure everything out. Choose reliable sources and above all, don't listen to Doctor Google. Do you the idea that something is wrong? Then you can always contact your midwife. And mom, don't forget to enjoy your pregnancy.

    onder mama's reading tip

    sore or sensitive breasts during your pregnancy

    From hormonal dancing to increasing blood flow, your breasts undergo a journey of their own during pregnancy. In this blog, they take you through everything you need to know about this sometimes uncomfortable but common phenomenon.

    Read more 

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