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  • pregnancy calendar " week 33

    33 weeks pregnant

    You are now 33 weeks pregnant and the movements of your little little angel are becoming more and more intense. Do you feel those cute little kicks? That's because your baby is getting bigger and there is less space between him and the uterine wall.

    week 32 💕 week 34

    your baby,
    building a special bond

    33 weeks pregnant

    Your baby is now comparable to the size of a juicy pineapple 🍍 His senses are developing at a rapid pace. He hears not only your voice better and better, but also those of others. Having a chat with your tummy is now extra special. After birth your baby will recognize your voice and comfort from it. Encourage your partner to talk to your unborn child as well. This way he will experience the pregnancy even more intensely.

    And those steps?🦵🏼 They seem to be getting harder and harder, don't they? That's because your baby keeps growing and the space between it and the uterine wall is getting smaller and smaller. As a result, there is less amniotic fluid normally absorbs the shocks.



    33 weeks pregnant

    33 weeks pregnant

    stretching is the message

    Your legs could use some extra love right now. Because of the extra weight your body is carrying, you may suffer from cramps. A good stretch can provide relief: stretch your legs, grab your toes and pull them toward your shins. Do this until the pain disappears and then gently shake your leg back and forth.

    And those tingles in your legs? They probably have to do with your blood circulation. After all, much of your blood is now flowing to your belly. Fortunately, a short walk usually provides relief.

    You may feel like a waddling duck while stepping. As mentioned earlier, many pregnant women experience pelvic instability and balance problems. But remember, mom, all of these discomforts will disappear after you give birth. You are doing great!

    onder mama's reading tip

    maternity case

    Prepare for the arrival of your baby by packing your maternity case. From the last month of pregnancy, put the suitcase in your car by default 🚗.

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