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  • pregnancy calendar " week 37

    37 weeks pregnant

    The finish line is in sight! 🏁 You are now feeling probably a mix of excitement and impatience. The baby is almost ready for the grand entrance and any movement could be a sign, exciting! 🤗

    week 36 💕 week 38


    your baby,
    fully grown and ready for the world

    37 weeks pregnant

    At the end of this week, your baby will be full-term; this means that he will not have to be in the incubator when he is born and there is a good chance he will be healthy. Go mama! Does your baby decide to still stay in the womb a little longer, he won't stop growing. Your little one is also storing more and more fat, including around his elbows and knees.

    Furthermore, your baby remains actively engaged in preparing for his arrival. preparation. He is still practicing breathing in and out by pushing amniotic fluid in and out of its lungs. He also practices the sucking reflex by sucking on his little thumb sucking and is even developing a search reflex. Thanks to this reflex, your baby will soon to spontaneously search for your nipple.



    37 weeks pregnant

    37 weeks of pregnancy

    take care of yourself, top mom

    Now that you have reached the end of your pregnancy, you are you probably often suffer from lower back pain. This is not at all surprising, your belly is getting bigger and heavier, throwing your body completely out of balance. gets out of balance. Listen to the signals your body gives you and get enough rest. rest. Carrying a baby is top sport, mom!

    lift with care

    It is also best to avoid lifting things. If lifting is unavoidable, try to watch your posture: bend your knees bend your knees, pull the object close to you and use as much as possible of your your leg muscles to come up. If you do not do this, it will cause extra strain on your back.

    onder mama's listening tip

    Family and career, is it possible?

    In this episode, dive into the art of juggling family and career, especially for you as a pregnant mom wondering how to embrace both worlds. Listen to host Sonia talk with An-Katrien and share her tips & tricks.

    Listen now 

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